
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Fieldwork - Colombo

Fieldwork - Japan
With NELIS, lead a team of researchers that focus on the 4Revolutions themes of waste, resource use, food systems, and climate change. Our team contributes the North America research as part of a global initiative.
A member of the NELIS global sustainability leaders network. Part of a team that innovates, and strategizes for a more sustainable world. Presented at the global-gatherings, the 2017 Summit in Kyoto and the 2018 Summit in Tokyo. Through NELIS presented also at Sustainable Brands Tokyo 2019.
In 2008-09, I taught English for five public schools for the Fukushima Board of Education in the rural, mountain village of Tajima.

Trinidad & Tobago
Fieldwork - Trinidad & Tobago
Reef conservation and awareness with Coral Cay Conservation. Taught Environmental Science curriculum at various primary schools in Tobago. Developed class lectures, and also field trips to teach students the importance of preserving the rainforest and reefs. I lived at the conservation site and helped with the daily running of the overall program, including the managing of volunteers.

Fieldwork - Hawaii
Hawaii text
Fieldwork - Kerala
Invited as keynote speaker for ‘Marine Debris: Tip of the Iceberg?’ a two-day National Seminar on the management of marine debris at All Saint’s College, Trivandrum, Kerala (Jan. 2020). A marine debris text book was one of the outputs of this seminar.
June 11-15, 2019, Collaborated on the National Workshop on Experiential Learning with Indian Educators on Marine Debris and its Management (NEIEM). Assisted Dr. Owens in leading the National Geographic sponsored workshop at the University of Kerala, Department of Environmental Science. Approximately 40 university professor participants attended from Universities across India. Together we conducted marine and river cleanups; collected, sorted and counted data on marine debris; and presented this information in a policy memo and presentation for the local government.
South and Central Asia Fulbright Conference February 2019, presented on waste management issues in Colombo, and the relation of these issues to broader trends in the global south.

Portland OR, USA
Fieldwork - Portland USA
Led a research project with the US Forest Service regarding social vulnerability and local understanding of climate issues in Oregon & Washington. Through first-person interviews and local level analysis, research focused on ground-truthing existing USFS data, in order to better understand the salient climate issues in the region and how qualitative inputs contribute to broader local and national level policymaking around climate and forest policy.
NSF-IGERT project on ecosystem valuation at Willamette Falls, Oregon.

Fieldwork - Guinea
In 2010-11, advised World Education Guinea (WEG) on ‘good governance’ workshops and village micro-finance programs. Helped Peace Corps re-establish their program during the tumultuous time of Guinea’s first Democratic elections. Collaborated with local youth in Entrepreneurship training and business development. Partnered with the Centre du Percussion in Dubreka (a youth arts and performing school) and lead promotional efforts for this cultural ensemble.

Fieldwork - Mali
In 2005-07, Peace Corps volunteer in Gao, Mali. Assisted and served a traditional artisans’ association (approx. 60 Tuareg and Songhai artisans), and provided business training and market access. Facilitated the promotion of their cultural offerings including traveling with them to regional fairs and expositions. Wrote grants and fund-raised for community development, including financial & needs assessments (i.e.: business workshops through national finance group; goods donations such as food, vitamins, & sewing machines; community projects such as tree planting, garbage pick-up). Assisted local women’s groups and gardens. Project leader and financial responsibility (i.e.; project funds manager). Hosted local radio program; taught business English; translator between French, Songhai and English.
Fieldwork - Himalayas
Hosted ‘Trashed: A panel on waste issues in Ladakh’ September 2019 at the Economics of Happiness Conference, Local Futures, Ladakh India.
Presented on critical waste issues with the Naropa Fellowship students 2019, 2020. Assisted the students with the Plastic Free Campus program through Break Free From Plastic. Project mentor to students.
Advisor to Little Green World, a social enterprise that focuses on waste minimization and environmental awareness in Ladakh.

Fieldwork - Vietnam
In 2015, research project with UN Habitat Vietnam on public participation within a multi-city climate strategy. Climate change and environment are one component of UNH’s City Development Strategy where they aim for increased public participation and outreach. The CDS goal is to provide a scalable framework for mitigating the effects of rapid urbanization as this development overlaps with climate impacts.

Fieldwork - Bhutan
Six-month internship with the Bhutanese Government, where I worked with their Gross National Happiness Commission on policy review related to sustainability, climate change, urbanization, and GNH initiatives. As part of my Master’s in Peace Studies with the University of Notre Dame. (2013)