Invest in the soil; it’s not dirt, it’s wealth

Mar 20, 2017 | Climate, Enviro-Consciousness, Localization, Pollution

Back to the land, and back to nourishing the soil. Self-sufficient organic, localized farming is the direction we collectively need to be heading. Soil provides healthy food full of micronutrients, healthy ecosystems, recharges the water table, filters water, provides the building blocks for other life forms, makes for an overall happy planet, and – to use a buzzword of the times – provides the most appropriate carbon sink. To the contrary, the direction intensive agribusiness steers the field of agriculture will only make the world into one big toxic dust bowl. With an ecoconscious orientation, we can sustain a lush garden of eden if we redirect our hearts and collective efforts towards what is best for long-term ecological health. Ambivalence towards how agriculture is practiced, results – to all of our detriment –  in those with power, money, and vested interests in the engineered solutions lead the way. Thus, be engaged for your own health and the health of the planet. 

“…engineers are missing the point. The problem with geo-engineering is that it proceeds from the very same logic that got us into this mess in the first place: one that treats the land as something to be subdued, dominated and consumed.” We should not be framing the dialogue as humans as consumers; but as humans as stewards and indisputably connected with nature.

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