A Journey to Understanding Sustainability
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The 3R's are overused and misunderstood. I think people for the most part forget the first 2 R's and concentrate on the last one: Recycling. But what is needed is a different mindset on waste. So I came up with the 4 P's instead of the 3 R's. What are the 4 P's?...
How can plastic material be reduced, reused, repurposed, or salvaged so it is kept out of rivers, oceans and ecosystems in general? Social awareness about the impacts of plastic pollution is growing, and creative, social solutions to the ‘plastic menace’ are...
Here's an interview I did with Prana Nutrition Cures on plastics and the effects of exposure on human health. The characteristics that define plastic - it's cheap, its durable, it's flexible, it's lightweight - have led to plastic's prevalence around the globe. But...
The US Toxic Substance Control Act was created in 1976, and at this time the 62,000 chemicals already in use were 'grandfathered' into the system. Since 1976, 20,000 new chemicals have been introduced into our production cycles - into our ecosystems and into...
Recycling is a misunderstood word. People often associate it as a positive action, with beneficial results for society. However, race-to-the bottom globalization of the waste trade has resulted in a situation where recycling is often not a service actually provided...
As long as there is increased production of plastics, we will have increasing and accumulating plastic pollution across the globe, in urban and remote areas as these microplastics cannot be contained. Most companies are still designed around this endless growth...
Reduce your use/exposure to chemicals and packaging. At least there is one country that is taking the link between chemicals in products and health seriously!! PFAS exposure includes: liver damage, thyroid disease, decreased fertility, high cholesterol, obesity,...
Instead of seeing the problem of too much waste and asking a logical question like: ‘why don’t we make less of it? What tap should we turn off?’ More and more these sorts of deceptive/distractive ‘solutions’ are popping up. The last thing we need is more chemicals...
We are not immune to the repercussions of our actions. How personal does the problem need to become in order to act on it? When something happens to 'the environment out there' is it easier to turn a blind eye? Why do we draw a line to delineate the self and other?...